Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why The Fire Of Trials?

There comes a time in every person's life where they will not understand why things happened the way they did. This is a situation that calls for us to exercise our faith in God and to trust it and rely on the Lord. Every issue of the heart will and must be put to the fire for testing. Those who trust in and rely upon the Lord Jesus with a pure heart and with pure motives will withstand the flames and will not perish. However, for those that trust in and rely upon their own understanding, even those who claim to be children of God but have impure motives will be consumed and burned up by the same flames that others withstand. Choosing life is choosing to trust in the Lord even when you don't understand why things happen. Those who choose to walk away from the Lord during tribulation judge God's character and question His integrity. So they disqualify themselves to receive Eternal life. One way to stay strong during these trials is to surround yourself with other people of faith. Many folks are out in the world alone and are out there perishing due to lack of faith. I encourage you to find a good Bible teaching church and quicken your spirit with good faith building teaching and preaching. God's Word is the nourishment for our spirit and if we go without it we invite death itself to come into our life. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Don't delay but make it a priority in your life right now. God bless!