Saturday, July 9, 2011


Every day that we are able to wake up on this side of heaven is an oppurtunity for us to be used of God and to advance His kingdom. Ephesians 1:12 even states that this is our appointed destiny. God has done everything He's going to do to qualify us for His service and His calling. Jesus has restored us back to right standing with God and the Holy Spirit has equiped us with the power needed to overcome. Now it's up to us to respond to the call.

One thing we as sons and daughters of God must realize is that we have a part to play in God's plan as well. In II Corinthians 6:1, Paul refers to himself as God's fellow worker. Since God is no respecter of persons, anyone in Christ is God's fellow worker. Like anything involving a partner you must trust him in order for your plans to prosper. I can't think of a better or more trustworthy partner to have than Almighty God. He is faithful, and if we will trust Him, His plans He has for us will prosper no matter what appears to be standing in our way.

Now the enemy knows that if he can keep us from responding or trusting God's promises, then he can keep us dormant. We, the Church must receive a revelation of this truth if we plan to fulfill God's divine destiny. The way the devil attempts to keep us dormant is by imparting fear. Now fear is the enemy of faith, but develops the same way as faith. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, but hearing the false vanities or lies of the enemy will bring fear. This is where the battle is fought and either won or lost.

In order to become fearless we must listen to the council of God and respond. The two most common ways He does this is through His Anointed Word and by His Holy Spirit. It is important to understand that under every circumstance the two will agree with one another. If we never spend time listening to what God is speaking to us, then we won't know the truth and faith won't enter in to set us free from fear. So, in order to become fearless you must seek God's face, read the Word and then respond to it.

Fear's source is the devil and it's a tactic he uses to get us to doubt the promises of God. But God is not having it! He said He would never leave us or forsake us. He said in Joshua 1:5 "As I was with Moses I will be with you." These are only a couple of the hundreds of faith building promises that God has sent for us to cling to. And if we will trust Him, faith will enter in and drive out the fear that has held us captive.

So today if you are feeling bogged down spiritually, I encourage you to get away and be alone with God for a while. Let God's glorious light in and drive out any fear or anxiety you may have lurking inside of you. This is God's will for you, that your joy may be full.

God bless you!