Thursday, September 29, 2011


I believe there has never been a day in the past that prayer has been needed more than today. As we get closer to Jesus' return, the enemy will come against the Church with stronger attempts to keep people in bondage. Jesus likened this time as to birth pains.

As Jesus traveled and visited all the towns teaching and preaching in the synagogues, healing the sick, restoring the sight to the blind, and curing all types of illnesses, God began to show Him down through the ages the Great Harvest. (Matt 9:36). Jesus saw a need for more workers so He turned to the disciples and said "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray..."

I am convinced that there are millions of people right now with willing hearts ready to serve God with their gifts and talents, but they are laying dormant because the Church abroad is lacking in the area of praying to the Lord of the Harvest. You see when we pray according to the Word of God, what actually happens is that it releases the Holy Spirit to search for these young willing sprits, and to usher them into to a place where they can be used mightily of God.

Back in the 1980's a pastor down in Texas by the name of David Wilkerson became burdened to pray for a church plant to reach the lost in Time Square. Time square is the most visited destination in the world with over 39 million visitors annually. So its no wonder why God would lay this on David's heart. So David made a vow to the Lord that whoever steps into the call and plants this church in Time Square, he would partner with them and help fund and support them. Then,after a year of praying to the Lord to specifically send someone to that area, God laid it on David's heart to be the one to plant it. And now, because of one man's decision to trust in God's word millions of lives have been eternally impacted at Time Square Church.

So today, I want to challenge each of you to pray and seek God. Ask Him to send more laborers into the field of harvest, and believe that He will. Who knows you may even become the next David Wilkerson...