Thursday, October 29, 2009

Discipline in Public

If you are a parent of a toddler this question most likely has crossed your mind a time or two. Also you have probably heard several opinions on this subject. And being a parent, my wife and myself have always tried to do what the children specialist have recommended. Nowadays there are even TV shows to help you raise your kids. And each one of these has their views on rather or not publicly disciplining your child is appropriate. Of course that was was B.C. (Before walking with Christ). We searched high and low and in between for the most acceptable answer, however we decided that if needed, disciplining in public was what we were willing to do. Now everyone has experienced it before, there is that one kid throwing a fit usually in the grocery store cereal isle wanting the chocolate fruity pebbles and mom says no. However since the world says that it is not okay for you to discipline your child in public because it could be possibly be detrimental to the child's development, the mom in fear of being judged just ignores or reasons with him, or worst yet rewards his behavior by giving in to him and giving him what he wants... Since I truly gave my life to Christ I learned you have what they say, what you think, then there is the Bible. So what does the Bible say about it? I am glad you asked lets take a look. Well first off when a child acts out you have to look at it like this, is this child acting this way because he just doesn't know (ignorant) or is it out of rebellion. If the child is acting out of ignorance then he needs instruction and guidance. Just as we are children of God this is the way God handles us. Now if that child is acting out in rebellion and knows better, then that behavior requires discipline. Now there is all kinds of discipline, and not everything in my opinion is deserving of a spanking, however use your best judgment. We start with a time out then if that doesn't work we take privileges away and if that isn't enough we spank our kids. Now watch this, what is rebellion? It's choosing to disobey authority. When you allow a child to have his way when he is choosing to rebel, what you are doing is teaching that child that it is okay to rebel against authority. You see where I am going with this? As we raise kids we are to show them how to respect authority and you need to hold your ground and stand firm on your word. How a child deals with his parents is how he will deal with God. If he can push mom or dad around and get what he wants and get you to yield to him, he's going to think that God is the same way. So which is more detrimental now, public humiliation when they are 4 years old or grow up to conform God to their views? If you go back to the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament book of Esther 1:10-20, I'll summarize but make sure you read this for your self, King Ahasuerus was having a party and wanted to show his beautiful queen off at the party but when he sent for her she rebelled and did not come. How many know when God calls on you and you do not come there is going to be consequences? The queen disobeyed the king and in verse 17-18 He says "For the queen's behavior will become known to all women, so that they will despise their husbands in their eyes, when they report, King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to be brought in before him, but she did not come. This very day the Nobel ladies of Persia and Media will say to all the king's officials that they have heard of the behavior of the queen. Thus there will be excessive contempt and wrath." Now if the the king would have let this go then these things would have come to pass, how ever if you read further you find out because she chose to rebel, that choice cost her her crown. Folks, the point is if your child acts out in rebellion, it is your job to make it cost them. It may cost them their favorite toy now, but that is nothing compared to what it could cost them later. Don't be led by what the world says is acceptable be led by the Holy Spirit and find out what God says by opening up that Bible and reading it.

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

Scripture to Meditate on:

Proverbs 13:24 NKJV

He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

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