Monday, October 18, 2010

A Quick Journey To The Truth

In today's cultural world there has been so much confusion about which religion is true and which is not? Who's right, who's wrong? Is there a God, is there not? I believe that this is due to a lack of truth being taught in the the Body of Christ. I remember on my journey in searching for the truth about God I noticed a difference between what I read in the Bible and what I saw in today's church. The Bible says that the children of God are to be one way, but the church folks I saw were nothing like it. So my journey began with trying to find out why.

First, like most who embark on this adventure I tried to do things on my own, which didn't last long. My grandpa Rev. Jerry Houchins, was very helpful, but being young and full of self pride, I thought I needed more conformation outside of my family's view of God. Folks tend to cast down people's world views that have been raised in church because folks that haven't been raised in church believe that those who were are brain washed. Later I found out that my grandpa's view was right on, and I wish I could have told him that while he was still here, but I know he's up there in the cloud of witnesses Hebrews 12:1 talks about. Praise the Lord!

Anyways, I began to look and watch for folks that appeared to imitate what I saw in the Bible. I met a lot of nice moral folks, but there always seemed to be something missing in them. It was almost as if something was holding them back. It seemed that they had faith, but they weren't quite sure how to operate it. I thought it rather strange that people would spend time talking and singing praises to God about how wonderful and powerful He is and then when tragedy hits their faith is no where to be found. It was all confusing to me. This behavior is contradictory and gave me the feeling of false hope. So I made a promise that if God was real, and if His Word is truly infallible and full of power, then I would follow Him. I promised God to give Him my life and my very best effort. I vowed to follow Him where ever He would lead me. But if there where no manifestations to go along to confirm His existence, then I would go on being my own man.

So I began to get in the Word, and God brought a friend from my past into my life. This friend of mine, who did grow up in church, gave me some Cd's to help direct me. From that day on my life as well as my family's life has never been the same. I began to apply the Word that I learned from those Cd's to my life and God began to transform me into a new creation. Results that God's Word promised started to show up in my life. I began to see things from a very different perspective. Everything seemed to be more clear! The veil was torn from my eyes and God opened my life up to a life full of joyfulness in Christ! I didn't arrive over night to a place where I was fearless, but over time as I would see God's mercy and how faithful He is to His Word and the fear began to leave my heart. Now, as long as I would stay in His Word, I never feared or fret what they enemy tried to put in my mind. But if I quit feeding my faith by not reading and meditating in the Word, fear would creep back in my heart, and my life would begin to unravel and become full of doubt and unbelief. However as soon as I would get my eyes back on the Word things would get better! I quikly realized that reading God's Word is a must in order to live a victorious life of a Christian.

Fear is of the enemy, and it is his strongest weapon to bring the believer back into bondage. But fear cannot stand in the presence of the Almighty Word of God! This is how Jesus guarded His heart in the wilderness when the devil came to tempt Him.. Jesus said, "It is written..." You see He was established and rooted in God's Word! And if Jesus needed to be established and rooted in God's Word, then how much more do we need to be? We build a solid defense against our adversary by framing our minds and life on God's Word! So when the devil comes around to try and deceive us with his lies we don't have to acquaint ourselves with God's will in the situation! We can say, " Devil, it is written I am the righteousness in Christ, and God has put all things under His feet and gave Jesus to be the head over all things to the Church which is His body and so now I am filled with the fullness of Christ whom strengthens me and you are nothing! I cast you out in the name of Jesus!" And James 4:7 says he must flee. Hallelujah! God's Word is written upon our hearts for it is life unto us(Proverbs 4:20-22). Fear has kept many out of the presence and promises of God. Fear has dominated believers from entering into the power of God's anointing.

In these last days it is crucial that we the Body of Christ figure out how to tap into the power of His anointing and begin to operate in it. Grace is much more than just saving us from hell. It's the power to do the things we were commissioned by Jesus to do! (Mark 16:15-18) We alone in our own strength cannot do this, but greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! We are new creations in Christ! We are to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the world! And that is we don't have to be poor any more! We don't have to be sick any more! We have been delivered form the hand of the enemy and are no longer a slave and in bondage to sin! Isaiah 53 says to whom that believe this report the Arm of the Lord is revealed and that arm is mightier than anything we might imagine. In one place the Bible said that Jesus cast out demons by the finger of God. If that's true, and it is, then how much stronger is the Arm of God? I don't know about you but I believe the report! Isaiah 52 says awake and put on thy strength! This is the message! We are the Sons and daughters of God! He is our God our Strength, our Deliverer, our Healer, our complete source of all things that are good. He alone we trust! So if He is to you all these things, then it's time to lay down your fear. Pick up the Word and declare it right now! Its time to bring out your light from underneath that basket, and let it shine for the Lord! Isaiah 60 says, "Arise, Shine; for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." It's time to come out from among the them and shine for the Lord! Hallelujah! Glory to God!

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