Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fully Devoted Living Every Day In Jesus' Name

Is your devotion time with the Lord becoming more of a formality than worship? Devotion to the Lord is essential to growing out of spiritual adolescence and into maturity. Like anything however, if you lose focus of the purpose it can become something you have to do rather than something you want to do. Daily devotion to God is giving God place in your life. It's showing Him honor; it's showing Him that He carries weight in your life. God says that He will honor those who honor Him, but those who lightly esteem Him, He will despise (1 Sam 2:30).

In this day we live in, we are surrounded by so many distractions. For the child of God it is easy to get off track and lose sight of the purpose of life. If you are asking yourself what is the purpose of life for a Christian, let me remind you. Our purpose here on this earth is to reach hurting, broken, unsaved people with the healing/saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The purpose of daily devotion to the Father each day is so that we stay rooted and grounded in His love so that we can stay useful and produce fruit for the Kingdom. If we are not rooted in God's love then we are at risk from falling into the snares of the enemy. All the lavish blessings in this world were given to man as a reward for His diligence and dedication to the Lord. The enemy uses these sometimes to distract us from our purpose and tries to get us to chase after these things rather than after the one who gave them to us. God exhorts us by saying, "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things will be added to you."

One thing you may need to do in order to prevent from losing focus in your daily devotion to God is restructure your time with Him. You may need to personalize it. What I mean is you might want to take a few scriptures from the Bible, for example, Ephesians 1:5-8, sit down and write your paraphrase as if God were personally speaking to you. This will help you to grasp the love of God for you personally. This I believe keeps my heart breaking for the things that break His. I find myself growing deeper in love with Jesus. And it sets the tone and motivates me to press in and walk my life out living every day in Jesus' name! Couple this along with heartfelt meaningful prayer, and watch your life blossom into a life of abundance!

God bless!

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