Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Love Is Our Destiny

God made the mountains and has tamed the oceans. One glimpse of Him is enough to burn our eyes for He is so full of glory we cannot bare the weight of it! Many of us have set our affection on Him and we worship Him with all of heaven because He alone is worthy of all praise. He made everything and created it just like He had pictured it inside His mind. All that we see was once a vision dwelling on the inside of the creator Himself. Then He spoke words filled with a creative force we call faith, and those words became exactly what He imagined.

In this very same way God created man, male and female. Everyone of us was once an image inside the creator of the universe. That picture He had of us contained a destiny that we were purposed for. Everyone on this earth has been hand selected by God and given a call in life, even before we were formed in our mother's womb. God knew us before we were even born because we were His idea. He has sent each of us here with a purpose and has equipped us with gifts especially for that purpose, but in order to obtain this destiny, God has purposely left out the key ingredient. Christ.

God created us to be purpose driven, and since we were His idea, He knew that we would not stop for nothing until we reach fulfilment of our destiny. So in reality we are all striving for Christ. God's plan here was to give us the choice. Jesus Christ is the key however that opens the door to God's grace, and there is no other.

Now, failure to realize that we are ALL (saved and unsaved) God's idea can be devastating to the body of Christ. This is why Jesus, the Master, gave us the great commandment to love one another. Even though some don't recognize Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they were still an image inside God and inside of them lays dormant the destiny that was formed by God. That destiny, if cultivated by Christ's love, will glorify the one we set our affection on and bring the light of Jesus Christ to many...

Love is the answer and love is enough...

God bless!

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