Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why DO We Go Through Trials?

If you are struggling or have need of anything, let the Lord know what it is. Yeah He already knows what you need, but when you ask Him you are telling Him that He is your source, which really displays your faith in Him and that you truly believe that He is going to do what He has already promised. The tests and trials that we go through are not for us to show God that we are faithful, He knows our hearts already. The test and trials that we experience are opportunities for us to push or stretch our faith, and let God take control of our situations and manifest His being to us. Then when we walk away from the trial with victory, which He always gives us, we walk away confident that He truly exists and that His word is truth. And when eastern culture moves in on us we have testimony to prove that what we believe is really real.And we will stand firm on that testimony! Then we will be equipped with the knowledge and wisdom to survive the assault of the opposite forces, which is everything the opposes God's word. I know this may sound a little deep, but Christianity is being oppressed by the eastern culture and every day we lose more and more ground because of it's influences on the Christian.

Here are some examples of eastern culture:

1)Astrology- Horoscopes

These are the most popular world views of eastern culture. None of these support Christian doctrine, and actually they are in opposition of Christian beliefs. If you are a Christian, then it is important that you cleanse your life of these world views because they are enmity with God's world view. If you give place in your life to these views or anything that is of them, then you let that persuade what you think truth is, and that is very dangerous. It leaves room for you to question what God says is truth, and you could be like a wave of the sea, unstable in all its ways.

This is critical stuff!!! Think about it, then pray to God about it and search for His truth. Don't fall into the snare of the enemy and let your guard down and let his doubt creep in by allowing eastern culture to entertain your imagination. This is the fastest way we as Christians become desensitized. Then we start to focus more on culture instead of our faith in God! Rise up church, take a stand for our western heritage, which is the foundation of this great and wonderful nation! Christianity is the chief corner stone and our foundation. In the end heaven and earth will pass away, but God's word never will. Glory to God! Amen!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox


  1. Great devotion today. It makes you think what we have become so insensitised with from others cultures. and I think that we are being bombarded from our own 'american" culture as a church.

  2. I agree with you Kevin, and it is my prayer that the church becomes aware of this before too many become too consumed by the deceitfulness of sin. It is obvious the damage that sin causes to our lives, and to see so many spiral down into the ground thinking that Jesus' blood gives us a free ticket to sin, grieves my spirit and His as well. We live with a church where everyone is tender, even the mature Christians. Satan thinks He has the Church hindered, but that isn't true. Actions do speak louder than words, backed with prayer, and God's word that says, "His sheep knows His voice". There is a way! I am going to live my life as a sacrifice to God, let the fruit speak for itself. In the end God will be doing the judging not me. All I can do is obey His leadings no matter what culture or other's opinions might think. For me this is going to be tough to do for you know how bold and confident I am. I will not cease to stop praying to my God about these issues however, and I will rest in my faith knowing that He will be casting the judgment when it's time for it. Love never fails, and God is Love Amen!
