Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spiritual Maturity

Well it has been a while since my last blog, but not do to lack of growth. I believe the Lord has been working on me and showing me things that I need change about myself in order to grow stronger in my faith. And I believe that what He has communicated to me via the Holy Spirit, He told me to share with others. The object of the blog is designed to help others out through my own experiences, not to show people that I am more knowledgeable about scripture. It is my hope that through my trials and experiences someone else may learn or see possibly where they too need to make changes. It is never my intentions to badger anyone, we all have our faults and we have all already fallen short of the perfection that God requires of us. So with that being said let's get ready to grow...

John 8:32 states that those who know the Truth will be free. I covered this more in depth in a previous blog, but since then the Lord spoke to me and told me that only those that are searching for the Truth will find it. Many people are saved by the grace of God and I am thankful for that, and I see that many people truly love the Lord and are honoring Him with their lives. I want to encourage these people to continue to lead the way with their actions. Many young Christians still tend to judge their lives by the standards of others. We know that Jesus is the standard for the Christian but God knew long ago that we are competitive in nature and that we would try to contend with others. So the Lord inspired Paul to encourage us to lead by example. With so many new believers in this day, it is important that we lead by example. Today's church is so full of tender hearts, that one wrong criticism can push them away from God. We need to be the hands and feet of God. Show love to these newbies. If we let Jesus live in us, then He will live through us too. Picking up the bible and reading what it says, then doing what it says is the only way we as a church are going to be able to truly set the right example. It is only by being a doer of the word of God!

Yes we were once sinners, but now we are children of the most high God. We will make mistakes, and we have to be mature enough to recognize this, confess and repent from them. But if you don't pick up the word and find out the way God says to live, or find out what God says is right and wrong, then we are not going to be able to set a good example to others who are learning by watching our lives. I am not at all trying to say that I have it all mastered. Sometimes I need to place more faith in God that He will deal with those who need to make changes, and not be the one to point other's flaws out. I realized this was only pushing others away from Him. So yes, I have a bunch to work on. My point I am trying to make is that if you live your life by what you feel is right or by the influences of our culture, then yes we will make more mistakes then we ought to. But if you pick up the Bible and read how God says we are to live, and adapt our lives to it, then we will become mature and be more of a profitable servant of God. Spiritual maturity only comes to those who are searching for the Truth. If people aren't searching then they aren't going to find it. When people start searching though are they going to find it by watching you?

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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