Friday, March 5, 2010

Why Do Bad Things Happen!

Mark 3:23-25 Jesus says, ..."How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." The teachers of religious law were accusing Jesus of casting out demons by the power of demons. This scripture tells us a lot more than just casting out demons. This Scripture is true for nations divided or families divided or even churches divided. So you see what Jesus said here is a law. Just like gravity, if something is divided and no resolution is made, the outcome is it will fall or collapse. But what many fail to realise about this scripture is that is pertains to everything and everyone, even God Himself. God can not be divided against Himself. God can't love everyone then turn around and cause evil earthquakes to crumble buildings down on top of those He sacrificed His Son for. That is not God's nature, and if He did do that, then He would be divided against Himself and He would not stand because the words of Jesus says so.

What folks need to realize is that the source of these catastrophes are not from God but rather from the enemy. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;..." (John 10:10). So you see this scripture testifies to the source of these bad things. The second part of that verse Jesus says, "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." This clarifies that there are two opposing forces and that they are working against each other. They are complete opposites. It is important for us to identify the source of the problems in our lives. That way we can get in the Word and find the solutions so we can fix it with our faith in God's Word. Once we realize who the enemy is we can stand our ground easily, because Jesus has already defeated him, Satan is a defeated foe. This is true for the battles in our lives each day. The battles that take faith to conquer.

As for bad things happening such as earth quakes and other severe tragedies, these things happen because man sinned. Not because of those individuals in particular that were effected by the storms, but because Adam chose to listen to the devil. This event that took place in the garden gave birth to sin. It was the choice of man that allowed sickness and disease to enter into the world, and all of creation was effected (Gen 2:17). These things happen because of the sin of man. Some say, "God lets them happen though!" But again that is not the case. When God created the earth He gave dominion over it to Adam, and we Adam listened to the devil he yielded to him and Adam committed high treason. Adam handed over his rights to the devil and now instead of man being god of this world, the devil is the god of this world (2 Corinth 4:4).

But the devil is on borrowed time and any day now our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is going to return for His church and take them home. And Satan and his clan will be put away. God is in control of it all yes, but He is also bound by His own words. Because He is a fair God, He will not come back until all have had the same fair opportunity to come to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Also that means that if others had endure hardships, then so will we until the whole world hears the Gospel. God has no favorites (Acts 10:34). Jesus said in Luke 6:40, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." If we continue to build our life on God's Word then one day we will be like Jesus, Jesus died so we will die too, but when we are perfectly trained, or in other words fully developed or when we become fully mature in our faith we will be like Him and we will be resurrected from the dead like He was. And we will join Him in the heavenly places.

Don't get mad at God when bad things happen. Just know the reason why they happen is that man made a poor decision to listen to the devil. Let it serve as a reminder to us that what yielding to the enemy could cost. Though we are saved by grace through faith, that doesn't mean that we are immune to crisis. Keeping your spirit feed every day is our best defense to the enemy. So join me in a fight to take back what was lost by reading God's Word 10 minutes in the morning and praying 10 minutes in the morning, and also at night before you go to bed. This is how we are going to battle the enemy and contribute to the win at the end when victory is awarded. Glory be to God! Amen!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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