Monday, March 1, 2010

The Greatest of These is Love

Wow can you believe that it is already March...Man where has the time gone? From time to time I pause to take a journey to look back at where the Lord has brought me from. And for a brief moment there is a celebration in my spirit. A celebration that I think brings back to remembrance of what God has done for me. And I believe that it is important to look back and see where you used to be, so you can appreciate what you are now. I believe that if you don't do that from time to time you become desensitised to the love God has poured on you. As a result you yourself may become less in tune with the very purpose we are here on this earth in the first place.

No matter where your walk may take you or where you are at in your walk, love needs to be at the front. People are graced in many different areas for the kingdom, and have their own place for the purpose of God. But all parts of the body have one thing in common. With out the blood, that part is useless. Just like our physical bodies need blood to survive, the body of Christ can not and will not survive without Love. 1 John 4:8 says, Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. So we see here that God is Love. How many don't stop to think about this. If God is love then how much of God is in me? Do I stop to think about others and offer the love of God to everyone without favoritism, or do I pick and chose who I want to offer the love of God to? If not, how does someone become more like Christ?

First of all you have to be born again and not just say the words, but actually receive the Holy Spirit. You will have proof of this for it says in 1 John 4:12-13, No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. There is no such thing as not knowing weather or not you are born again, His Spirit is proof and with His Spirit in you, you can not hide the love for one another. This same Spirit is the very same Spirit that is in Jesus The Anointed One. The One who loved each and everyone of us before we surrendered our lives to Him. Before, when we were sick along with the worst in the world. That same love that drove Jesus Christ to the cross at Calvary, is the same love that dwells inside the born again believer. If there is no compassion and no love for one another in you, then you missed it. No matter what great deed you did, no matter if you cast out a thousand demons in the name of Jesus, no matter if you healed ten thousand sick in the name of Jesus, and no matter if you were a good person and didn't do any wrong to anyone...Without love for one another you will not qualify for the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand...

John 1:1 says that God is the Word. So in order to be walking in Love, you must put the word first in life. Applying the Word to your life is applying the love to it, remember God is Love. When you are being a doer of the Word, what you are really doing is walking in the highest form of power, which is love. You can apply all the fundamentals of faith to your life, and you may get a few good results, but when you apply love to all of those fundamentals, you super charge that faith and you can't help but be a blessing to everyone you come into contact with. Love prospers everyone so if you aren't prospering, try loving everyone and watch your life turn from barely enduring to overflowing. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.(1 Corinthians 13:13)

Saints, being a doer of the Word of God is going to be our best defense against Satan and his clan. By following God's commandment to Love one another (John 15:12), this allows the Spirit of God to operate for us. The world has stole some ground from us, and the only way we will be able to gain it back is to get God involved. What better way to fight against the enemy then to release the very Spirit of God upon our enemies by loving them? Loving your enemies forces them to change their position against you. If you are walking in love your enemy will see that and one of two things will happen, they will either repent and join you in love, or they will turn and flee. That is the power of Love...

May God bless you all who love one another!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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