Friday, April 23, 2010

The True Battle

I have unction from the Holy One to give this message. I feel that this could be better done at the pulpit but since I have no church to preach at I believe that the Lord wants this truth revealed ASAP! I truly believe that these words are inspired by the Holy Spirit, but don't take my word for it. Sit down with your Bible and judge it by His Word.

As we are all aware, we are living in the final hours. God is stirring up the church and He wants us all without spot or blemish. What He means by that is He will not accept you if you are lukewarm, living with one foot in the Kingdom and the other in the world. Somehow the body of Christ has drifted that way and I know that I am not going to win a popular vote on this blog but you need to listen to what I am about to reveal to you and it needs to be fresh on every believers mind and heart. Though many believe that once you are saved you are always saved, God has placed on my heart that this needs to be squashed, or needs to be exposed as dangerously false doctrine. This is referred to as Calvinism.This Calvinistic doctrine leads believers to think that there is nothing they can do to not become saved once after being saved and this is untrue. First I will direct your attention to the scriptures that expose this doctrine as false, then I will go in to details of the process the enemy takes us through to divide and conquer our souls.

First, in Matthew 18:21-35 we have the parable of the unforgiving debtor. Jesus says this parable is comparable to the Kingdom of Heaven. The place of prison and torture is a metaphor for Hell, not purgatory like many think. Look it up and judge for yourself. Next look in Matthew 6:7-8, Jesus is speaking again here and He says, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." And if that is not clear enough for you look in Revelation 3:5, this is the Master Jesus again speaking, "All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and His angels that they are mine." If Jesus says if you are victorious I will never erase your name, then what do you suppose would happen if we are not victorious? Your name will be erased from the Book of Life!

You say, "yeah but what about where it says in the Bible that no one can snatch me out of the Hand of God and that no one can undo what God has done? This tells me that I can never loose my salvation!" WRONG! God said that no one can take you away form Him, not even all the powers of the enemy and all the forces in the heavenlies. This is true, but God never said that you couldn't walk away from His grace. If you believe you can never lose your salvation then you are totally missing the context or message of this scripture. The problem that is happening here is someone wasn't revealed the truth of the scripture from the Holy Spirit and went on the intellectual translation and now corruptive thinking is running ramped. If you are thinking you are once saved always saved, then that is in direct opposition to what God's Word says in Hebrews 6:4-6.

To engage in a relationship with God the creator, we have to be the one to draw near first. For we have a free will that God said He will not violate. This is also true for the believer that draws back from God and turns away from Him as well. You see God is the same yesterday, today and forever. So if He won't violate your will before you enter into a relationship with Him, He isn't going to violate your will while walking with Him as well. If you decide to walk independent of Him after being saved then He won't violate that either. Do not be fooled you can walk away from the miracle of Grace God performed through His Son Jesus Christ. You see no force or power is strong enough to undo the miracle power of Grace. Grace will always be there for the taking, but the problem is the will of man doesn't always line up to receive it and keep it.

So you say, "Well we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one." No I will not accept that! I refuse to let one go on thinking that way without giving testimony's and solid biblical evidence to disprove the false doctrine if you will. We see in Luke chapter 4, Satan quotes Jesus scripture. And we see how Satan didn't twist the scripture, but He revealed scripture to be misleading and did not rightly apply it. If Jesus would have acted upon the temptations and fell for the snare, what do you think the outcome would have been? This also applies to you and I. Today Satan misquotes scriptures like Isaiah 43:13 and leads the believer to think wrongly. You have to break it down and find the true meaning of this verse. Today, because of this misinterpreted verse Satan has found a pathway into millions of people's lives. I dare to say this is why there are so many sicknesses and diseases running ramped. This is why there are so many divorces and teenage pregnancies and abortions! Satan has found his doorway into people's lives and has propt the door open with this wrongly interpreted verse. You have to see this!

So now you want to say sarcastically, "But doesn't grace abound all our sins or is it just the ones you think they ought to cover?" If you are thinking that, then get ready to be humbled. It isn't the specific sin itself that is going to end your salvation. You have to remember that Satan's whole purpose down here is to divide and conquer. He is always on the prowl looking for an opening into your life so He can drive you away from everything that can bring good to it. His motive is to ultimately get you to walk away from God under your own power by creating doubt and unbelief. Just like he did in the garden with Adam and Eve. You see when we take our place in Christ we receive the ransom that God paid for us and we are now reconciled into God's family once again. Satan won't stand for that and at all costs he is going to try to get you to separate yourself from God again. One way He does this is by getting you to believe the Word of God wrongly. Such as once saved always saved. When people believe this, it leads to the believing that once the sinner's prayer is prayed there is nothing more needed on their part and so they continue on the same path they were on before living a life of a Christian. They do not fight the good fight, and they let their guard down in protecting themselves from the enemy. This is the victory Jesus is talking about in Revelation 3:5. We are not fighting an offensive battle rather guarding what Jesus has already established. Ephesians 6 talks about putting on the complete armor of God. This is spiritual armor to protect your heart and so you do not leave a path into your life open for the lion to come in and devour. When we take an attitude of, "well I am saved and there is nothing else I have to do for salvation..." we are setting our thoughts up for the enemy to come in to our lives. This type of thought leads to sin and sin unrepented from leads to more sin. Before you know it Satan has a stronghold in your life and all of a sudden your eyes become opened like Adam and Eve's were in the garden and you say to yourself, "what happened? How did things ever get so far out of control?" "I was doing so good then..." Undoubtedly sin crept in and separated you from God's grace and it happened because your guard was down. This is why it is critical to read your Bible and find out that the Word says we are to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. If the thought doesn't line up with the Word, then cast it out in Jesus' name. Continue this because it says every though is to be held captive every thought! People are all the time blaming God for their bad situations and they think God is putting them through these fiery trials when the truth is their disobedience is what is walking them there. You can blame God for these trials all you want but that doesn't change the truth of why you are there. You say, "yeah well God let it happen!" No you let it happened and the god of this world let it happen! God tells us what we need to do to stay out of firry trials in His Word (II Corinthians 10:5). This is another reason why it is so critical to open up your Bible and read it. God is a God of love and He cares for you, and He does have mercy! That is why He inspired the Holy Bible folks! Open it up and read it! There are so many people around me that are Christians that are experiencing unnessacary circumstances because of their own lack of preparation against the enemy! Then I hear some folks say, "well all things work for the good..." and they stop there but that isn't the end of what it says! You cannot put a period where there isn't one. This is another one of those misused scriptures. Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." To love God you obey His commandments. If you read on the word tells us we are chosen to walk with Him and to share in His glory with Christ Jesus. This is for the chosen who line their life up with God's word and bring their standards up to His level. Not for those who water down the scriptures so the scriptures can conform to their lifestyle! But many do water the scriptures down and when something wrong happens to them they say, "well it just wasn't the will of God, and I don't know why this happened but we know all things are for our good..." And they who say these kind of things believe they are being humble. No, I am sorry folks but this is lack of knowledge of God's Word! Most people will believe in the loving God, but they refuse to see the discipline side of His Word. God's discipline is not inflicted on us by Him. Let me put it this way, If your child has a penny and continues to try and stick it in the light socket. And you, representing the Holy Ghost continue to rebuke and prevent this from taking place time and time again. Then one day you were too late and that rebellious child sticks that penny in the light socket and gets shocked, it wasn't your fault. You didn't let that happen. It was the consequences of the rebellious behavior. This is exactly what happenen in the garden of Eden. God wasn't saying to Adam and Eve that you can't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because He didn't want them to enjoy something. No, He was trying to protect them from the fall or seaparation that sin would cause between them. Likewise today, even after we get saved, sin has this same effect on us all. It causes separation between us and God. This is why we are called to live a life of daily repentance. This is why in the scriptures He tells us He is a jealous God. He doesn't want anything to come between us and Him. This is why you don't continue on in a life of sin. This is why in Romans 12 He says the true way to worship Him is to not copy the behavior of the world but rather let God's word transform you by the renewing of your mind. God bankrupted Heaven for you and I and by us not taking His word serious and walking our salvation out with fear and trembling, it is our fault if we let sin corrupt us and drive us away from His love and grace!

Once we realize that salvation isn't done at the altar, but rather it begins there, the relationship with God our creator forms. Yes we are called out of darkness, but God's plans for us aren’t restricted to this only. God also wants to bring blessings into our lives, and He also has destined us to shine in certain areas for His Glory. We are created for purpose and next time I'll dive into that more, Lord willing, And if we aren't caught up in the rapture by then... Till next time....

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox


  1. Thank you Eric, for opening your heart to Jesus and answering the call He has laid upon your heart. Your words are inspiring and full of truth for all in this day. God Bless you and your efforts to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ! ... Louisa Purinton

  2. Thank you for sharing this with all of us and you may just get a church someday before you know it to preach god's salvation. Remember a church is only a building and you could begin preaching in your home and you will have a church as the church is the body of christ not the building but I know you know this already.
