Saturday, June 5, 2010

True Followers of Christ!

As some of you well may know, one of the followers of this blog has since now gone to be with the Lord. And as I sat the other night and pondered on her life, I could not but help see a true example of how we as believers of Christ are to carry ourselves. The late Sharron Weems has been a rock steady example of how we are to serve our wonderful Creator. She was always exhorting as well as compassionate for everyone she came into contact with. She truly realized that each and everyone of us weather lost of saved were put here on earth for God's own divine purpose. She was always encouraging me no matter if it were on the little league football field or in my walk with the Lord. Though I didn't spend a huge amount of time with this godly woman, she has made a profound impact on my life that will forever change the way I view this world and the people in it. Thank you so much Lord for bringing this woman into my life!

With that being said I would like to go on to say that so many times in our busy lives we tend to put the things of God on the back burner to pursuit other less important things. In this great nation of ours we have so much liberty to do as we feel and sometimes without thinking we can let God slowly fade out of the picture. We as believers need to guard our hearts by taking time out of each day to sit before the Lord and enter into His presence. This verse in Proverbs jumps out at me, 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding... We all hear this verse all the time, but I believe the real power of this scripture comes in the next three verses, he says: Seek his will in all you do,and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones... God has promised us something here that if you are not careful you will skip right over. God promises us that if we seek His will, He will direct us and we will be in good health! But back to what I am saying, this country offers so much liberty to do as we want, that we lose focus sometimes on what God would have us do. Saints, this is, if not the biggest snare of the devil, then close to the top! God tells us to never lose sight of His word in Proverbs 4:21, He is protecting us from this very trap! When we lose sight of Him and His will for us, then we leave the door open for the tempter to have place in our lives and everything that he stands for (sin,sickness,addictions,death,etc.) To keep that door shut to Satan we have to use preventative maintenance. If you want to live a life of abundance like Sister Sharron did, then you MUST everyday sit before the Lord and enter into His presence and never lose sight of His Word! God bless all of you!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

In loving memory of the late Sharron Weems

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