Friday, July 2, 2010

His Grace Is All You Need!

Jesus said to Apostle Paul, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” But what was Jesus telling Paul? Was He talking about being weak while being tormented by temptation or during long suffering? Was He talking about physically being weak? Not hardly, I said no. That is not what Jesus meant by telling Paul “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” The Word tells us that we are to endure hardships not give in to temptations or give up because we are weak. What Jesus is saying here is we are to fully submit, or give up, the position of Lordship in our lives. We are weak, He is strong. When we realize that and submit to the Lordship of Jesus, then we are blessed. You see then He dictates everything you do and say. Your actions are directed by His Spirit. Can you imagine what type of life that would lead us to live.

Many look at submission as a bad thing. Many women today don't want to submit to their husbands, and many men don't want to submit to authority. Both are wrong according to God not me, so if that rubbed you the wrong way then you have a problem with God not me. To better understand this scripture you could say it like this; on our own, our strength is not sufficient enough. When we submit to the Grace Jesus offers us when we make Him the Lord of our life and obey, His Spirit makes us strong and works best when we realize His Spirit is all we need. That is the message behind what Jesus was saying. I hope this helps clear up some confusion that some have twisted this to say.

God bless!

Eric R. Cox

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