Monday, August 9, 2010

Getting Serious!

Over the past month or so I have been really pressing into God's presence and seeking His voice to speak His heart to mine. I have prayed, and God has heard and answered! I believe that God has revealed somethings that make His heart cry and I would like to share them with you at this time. This message is to the church, the ones called by His name...

The world's economy is tougher than it has ever been since the great depression and they are looking for hope and need direction. Even folks who go to church are looking for hope! What better time to witness to someone and bring them to Christ! 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready to explain your Christian hope if someone asks you. How many of you are prepared and seeking for this opportunity? Some will make an excuse, "But it says if they ask you..." I say then you need to shine your light and quit hiding it under a basket! You say, huh? And that's my point exactly, you need to come out from among the people, and stop acting like there is no hope. Our hope is found in Jesus! His grace is sufficient! He is all that matters. Someone who truly understands God's grace can't help but carry themselves differently. Everyone around you should know that you are different! Not weird, but you have a confidence that can't be purchased. A hope! When you understand the message of God's grace then people notice your different then they are and they can't help but ask you about your Christian Hope. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" You see this is how the world will know Jesus is the real deal. The world once knew you as one of their own, but now you are not the same old you, you are a new you. The old you has been crucified with Christ at the cross and now you are a new creation with the blood of the King running through your veins. The world will see this and know that what you believe is really real and without even mentioning Jesus' name or church you will already be witnessing to the world.

There are some people of the world confused and they think that they are saved and will inherit the Kingdom of God, but I'm sad to say they will not. You see salvation is not obtained at an alter. It begins there, but that's not all there is. Salvation is walked out. It's about living a life of repentance and honorable in the eyes of the Lord. Colossians 1:10 says, "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." We are to increase and this is best done as we step out in a community and help others grow in the Lord. In John chapter 17 Jesus prays for unity within the believers, but many people go to church and then go home. Never even stop to visit with anyone. They don't care if such and such is going through a hard time and needs prayer. Or if they get caught by someone they know and a prayer request is made they tell them they will pray but never do. Have you ever asked yourself is this all church is supposed to be? Devoting a couple hours on Sunday morning? It's deeper than that, oh so much deeper! We have got to get out of the mindset of "going to church" and get in the mindset of being the church! Getting involved in other's lives, saved and unsaved. We are all called to be the salt and light of the earth. Christ is to be shining through us. The outside world will know who we are because they will see Christ in us!

And now it's time to get serious! If you have never lead anyone to Christ or brought someone back to Him, you are failing as a Christian. I am talking to the mature Christians right now. We are to produce after our kind, Jesus said in John 15 we are to produce much fruit! Jesus commissioned us in Matthew 28 to make disciples! And if you are not doing any of this then you are failing...

The good news is there is forgiveness and God wants to help you out. Ask God to speak to your heart, and to present you with opportunities to witness to others that don't know Him. Ask Him to give you the right words to speak when the opportunity arises. Every time I have asked God to do this, almost immediately an opportunity presents itself, and The right words seem to flow out from my spirit. This we can ask for and expect it to be manifested, because we know it is God's will for everyone. Do not get discouraged if that person doesn't come to Christ when you speak to them. Be patient and wait for the Holy Spirit to do His work in them. On average it takes about 7 opportunities for people to come to Christ. That might have only been #2 or 3. Walk away knowing that you have done a good thing in the eyes of God and He is happy! But don't stop there, make a lifestyle of witnessing. Show compassion and start relationships. Those you do lead to Christ, get their email or phone number. Send them a text from time to time just to check in. You will be amazed who is searching for God but just need a little direction. Love others like Jesus did, becuase it is He that does the work in us. Apostle Paul said this, "To live is to be Christ, and to die is to be with Him." It's a win win situation.

I close with this... Is your life bringing glory to God, or to yourself? If you haven't surrendered in every area to the Lordship of Jesus then you are not completely surrendered. God doesn't ask for perfection only that we die to our flesh. Jesus said that if you cling to your life you will lose it, but if you give up your life for Him you will find it. (Matt. 10:39) It's time for us Christians to awake from the sleep and rejoice and celebrate the salvation our God has given to us through His one and only son Jesus Christ. Don't be ashamed to use His name, for in His name there is power!

God bless!

Eric R. Cox

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