Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Good News!

Knowing the truth and rightly dealing with it are two totally different scenarios. For an example, knowing that we are created in the likeness and image of God is one thing, walking in the light that we are created in the likeness and image of God is another. Let me just say this for edification, we are not what our bodies say we are. Our bodies are just the outside appearance and deep within we are so much more than that. Our bodies do not define who we are as a person. Our spirit defines who we really are. This is why it is so crucial that our spirits go through the rebirth and renewing processes. Also, this is why our flesh needs to go through the purification process or better known as trials. Many of our battles as believers occur due to the fact that our flesh wants to determine what we do in life. And sadly, many do allow their flesh to dictate what they do with their lives.

If our flesh is not dealt with and put into subjection, then it becomes dangerous for our eternal destination and spiritual development. I have heard many people ponder why things have to be so difficult sometimes. I hope to shed some light on this question by stating that if everything came so easy in life then we would never strive to develop spiritually. As an end result our destiny would end up in flames…No pun intended. Naturally we are a lazy being. Supernaturally we are created in the likeness and image of God. We are created to walk in glory and dominion forever, communing and walking in the cool of the day with the one who created us! Now since the fall we lost that glory and dominion, but thanks be to God that there is hope. Christ, the Anointed One has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for us so that the blessing of Abraham would come on us all who believed in Him! Now we are reborn and recreated spiritually. We have been given a spirit of power not of fear. We can do all things through Christ, the Anointed one, who strengthens us! All things are possible to him that believes! And now there is nothing too tempting to overcome, there is no stronghold strong enough to overcome the strength of Him who is in us! This, my friends is the Good News in which we preach! God in us! No longer do we have to be bound by the limitations of our natural abilities! No longer do we have to live in the bondages of doubt and unbelief and “well you just never know!” ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE BECAUSE WE BELIEVE!

I pray that you would find the encouragement you need in the Word of God. Do not wrestle with doubt and unbelief, and do not believe that you are not strong enough. Knowing the truth and putting your faith on it will produce the results of freedom. Do not condemn yourself by focusing on how much you messed up and how bad you have failed in times pass. Condemnation will destroy your faith. Focus on those things that are of a good report. Build yourself up on your most holy faith and keep striving toward the goal. Run your race with sheer focus that you are not going to quit, and when you are tempted to quit, quote 1 Corinthians 10:13, God is faithful and will not allow me to be tempted above that which I am able to withstand, and God has made a way! Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! And then pick back up where you stopped. Do not accept defeat. God can never be defeated and God’s spirit resides in you making you an overcomer in Christ Jesus! God bless!

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