Thursday, December 30, 2010


Many believers today suffer from an undeveloped spirit. What does that mean? It means that they have the potential to grow but lack the motivation it takes to get there. God has already done all He's going to do to sustain us from the enemy. We have all been given a measure of faith, and now it's up to us to take what He has given to us freely and apply it to our lives and own it!

As believers we need to become transformed by the renewing of our minds daily. Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body... If we find ourselves before the Lord daily, we will find out that God yearns to use us to witness to those who don't know Him. Through the Bride of Christ, God extends His hand of love to the world. God wants to enter into covenant with each of us, but we must trust in, rely upon, and adhere to His Word.

We as the children of the Most High God are suppose to grow and increase spiritually by constantly surrounding ourselves with people and resources that will help us and aid us to develop a deeper relationship with God. One resource many overlook is that of the Holy Spirit. He is to be our guide and our teacher, but many are so undeveloped that they do not know how the hear from Him. Many believe or hope that one day they will get zapped and miraculously overnight they will become perfect or mature. It doesn't work that way. Reading God's Word daily helps us to tune into the voice of the Holy Spirit and hear what He is telling us. As we make adjustments to our lifestyle we begin to develop and grow spiritually. This "light" begins to grow brighter, and God's lead becomes more clear and precise.

I believe that God is raising up a generation full of power and authority! A generation that is going to win nations for Christ. So as a body of believers, as the Bride of Christ, we need to do what is needed in equipping ourselves daily so that when God calls us to stand in the gap of righteousness, we are ready for action and not having to introduce ourselves to His will in the matter. We should strive to be like Christ, so those who don't know Him will see His glory on us, and want to be with Him as we are with Him. This will only happen if we know His Word.

God Bless!

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