Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ready For The Next Season?

Ever feel run downed? Spiritually exhausted? Like you need to recharge you're spirit? There are many times I feel this same way. It seems like when we walk through these seasons in life that Abba Father is no where around. Sometimes I find myself questioning what I did to get here, where did I miss it? Have you ever wondered the same thing?

These moments are what I like to call wilderness experiences. Remember when Jesus was led out to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted? The Spirit led Him there, but you don't hear anything about Him telling Jesus what He should do or give Him any clear direction WHILE He was being tempted. Nope, the enemy waited till He had already heard from the Father, then when Jesus was weak physically, Satan started to temp the Lord. You see that's how the devil is, he doesn't know what's going to happen until you do, but then when he finds out, he tries to get you to doubt. The enemy is crafty and he knows that faith is our key to unlocking God's ability in our lives. If he can keep us doubting, then he can keep us in lock down mode. The only thing that carried the Lord through those moments was faith in God's spoken Word. We MUST hold tight to our confession just as Jesus did, and if we endure, then we will walk out of the wilderness with the power of the Holy Spirit just as He did.

You know it's amazing how consistently predictable the devil can be, yet quite often we forget the solution is the Word of God. Our wilderness experiences are not designed for us to be tempted by Satan. Though that's what happens there, it's not God's plan. God's plan there is to get you away from the clutter that's been robbing your time with Him so you can hear His voice clearly. Really these wilderness experiences are acts of mercy, because God knows the stresses and concerns that trouble your heart. So He wants to get you away from all the distractions, sometimes even your family, so He can communicate to you. God is not a contender, He will not compete for you attention.

So If you're serious about serving the Lord you can expect to find yourself in a few of these wilderness experiences. If Jesus needed them, then how much more do we, who are living in this day and age? And since God honors those who honors Him, and your heart IS to do that which pleases the Father, He's going to communicate with you, even if He has to lead you out into the wilderness...

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