Monday, December 14, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

As we walk in the light as children of the light, sometimes people think that it is always going to be peaceful and nothing is going to effect them what so ever as long as they are in the perfect will of the Lord. So when trials come they believe that there was something they did specifically to bring on the trial. I don't believe that there are any scriptures in the Bible to support that way of thinking, yet it sounds good if it were true. I can see how many could lean that way, because God is good. Yes God is good and God is love, but sometimes we focus in on what is in front of us and not what is a head for us. You see God has a plan for each of us to follow, and if we follow that plan He has prepared for us, then we will reach the rewards that He has set a long the way. God has given us all free will to chose which path we want to follow. Our own paths look to be the easier path to follow, but you don't get to choose that path without paying a price. The narrow path looks more difficult, and it is if you attempt to go down it without the guidance of the councilor, the Holy Spirit. But you see Satan has deceived many in to thinking this way, so people chose their own paths without seeking the truth about the narrow path. Friend do not make this decision based on your knowledge alone. I encourage you to talk to someone who has walked down each path and then compare their lives. Then make a decision on which path you want to follow. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Even though from the outside looking in it may seem like a hard road to follow, Jesus assures us that it is not hard and His burden is light. Compared to the heavy burden and destruction sin brings to your life.

As we follow the path God has laid before us, it will take you through peaks and valleys. Sometimes it is easy when you are on the peak to glorify God and to praise Him and give Him the victory. Then on the flip side when you are in the valley it is easy to feel that you missed something or God is trying to teach you something. I don't believe that God ever leads you in to the valleys to teach you anything, I believe that He tests our hearts during these times of trials, but God never temps you to stray. A good example in the Bible that explains what I am talking about is Joseph the son of Jacob. His brothers wanted to kill him for he had favor from their father over them, but instead they turned him over to the Egyptians for slavery. This would be a valley. Joseph never questioned God but kept faithful to Him and eventually became overseer of his masters house. His master sat him in charge over all the things of his house and gave him authority over it all. This would be a peak. Then his masters wife wanted Joseph to have an affair with her while his master was away, but Joseph ran away. The masters wife lied and said Joseph tried to force himself on her, in turn his master had Joseph put in to prison. This would be a valley. Joseph still remained faithful to God. While in prison God graced Joseph with the gift of interpret dreams, and he interpreted two dreams for two of the servants of Pharaoh, and his interpretations were correct. One servant was killed, the other was restored. The one who was restored was supposed to tell the Pharaoh about Joseph but forgot. Then two years later, Pharaoh had a dream that none of the magicians and wise men could interpret but the servant remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams. So Pharaoh called for Joseph and Joseph rightfully interpreted Pharaoh's dream and was set higher than all the people of Egypt and only second to the Pharaoh. This is a peak.

So we see that just because you are walking in the perfect will of God doesn't mean it is going to be all peaks and no valley's. If Joseph would have just focused on what was in front of him and didn't trust in the Lord, he could have altered God's plans. So many times people spend more time in the valleys than they need to. For instance, if Joseph would have temporary got off the path and started to curse God while in prison he probably would have been in the valley longer than he was. Joseph did trust in the Lord and never doubted God's plan, and as a result he not only came out of the valley, he was exalted head of the nation under Pharaoh. God is a big God. He can work it out for you, even when you can't see a way out. God knows the way out and he will show you. All you have to do is trust in Him. So don't go through life expecting to never encounter trials, and when you do encounter trials know that the Lord will deliver you from them like He did Joseph. Stay faithful to God and trust in Him for He is the problem solver for all our problems. God is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Be thankful and praise God through it all, and He will pour out His grace upon the humble, but the proud will receive resistance. Glory be to God!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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