Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stay Protected

A couple of weeks ago or so I was listening to my pastor preach a message that really helped drive home how God views His children. He said something like this, There are three bags if you will and one is labeled will do, another will not do, and the third wants to do. After I heard this analogy I thought that was a good way to explain how God works in our lives.

God Has The Plan already, and He already told us how it is going to end. There is no amount of praying or bad decisions or worrying any of us can do to change the outcome of this plan. It is already done and set in stone. However, Jesus said He came so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly! And that is where the bag of "wants to do" comes in to play. Once you accept Jesus in your heart, you are in the family of Christ. And now you are eligible for what is in that bag of "want to's." As children of God we are to live in obedience to His word. And just as we should do with our children, if we step out of His love and sin, then there is discipline involved. Someone who is a christian was taking about all the negative things that were happening to him and his family, and as he was complaining to me, I got word of knowledge from God through the Holy Spirit. God told me it was because of this man and his family's disobedience to God, that these things were happening. And I could tell it was after I had received that word from the Lord because all of a sudden I could really see the bitterness in this fella's heart and the abusive language that was flowing out of his mouth was truly ungodly.

Folks when you step out of obedience to God's word, you step out from underneath that shield of protection. This is not God's will for His children. He wants to pour out His grace upon you, but sometimes we yield to our flesh and it doesn't come without some kind of consequence. Bad things happen in this world that were never the will of God because sometimes we chose to leave the security of God's word to follow our own lustful desires. And as a result we are disqualifying ourselves from God's bag of things He wants to do for us.

The great news is, that we can get back in the running if we repent and receive God's forgiveness. No matter how many times we miss it God is always just to forgive us. And what really happens when this takes place is just what happened in the parable of the prodigal son. Luke 15:21-23 in the NIV, "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' Pause right here. Can you see the humbleness in this son's heart? He truly has repented and the Father knows. Read on; "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate." This parable shows us that God's love for each one of His children are very near and dear to Him. Every time one of His sheep strays and comes back, God celebrates! And so should we! If you read on in this parable you'll see that the son that did not stray was resentful and full of bitterness. Don't become tied up in that type of sin, because that could result in the hardness of your heart. But that's another message for another time.

Stay focused on Him and His word. Give God your praises and walk in obedience, and you will see more grace and favor in your life and your family's too. Love one another as your father that is in heaven has loved you. Pray without ceasing and He will manifest His will for you without ceasing. Glory be to God!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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