Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stay Focused On Him Not Wealth!!!!

I believe that God's promises in Deut. 28 are for the seed of Abram. And that includes those who are born again. Wealth is not a bad thing, God wants us to prosper in all areas of our life. Our world thinks that it is okay for Hugh Hefner that condemns millions of souls to have 10 mansions and 10 jets, but these ministers save thousands of souls every week and it isn't OK for them to have one jet and two homes? And on top of that they are doing good for the kingdom of God with it. I believe that they are honoring God with what He has given them. God never said that we are to be poor, but many preach that message and no one is quick to bombarded that doctrine.

The love of money is the root of all evil. That means covetousness, not wealth. Too many are quick to judge ministers when it comes to money, and if he spends a dollar on something that they don't think is a necessity he is persecuted by his own sheep. Yet we spend unnecessary money on coffee and other things and its OK for us. This attitude is what reflects badly on Christians. These are who Jesus calls hypocrites.
When Mary dumped the perfume over Jesus' head Judas had a fit and said we could have sold that and gave it to the poor, but he really would have just pocketed the money. Jesus said that she did a good thing because she did so to honor Him. If you don’t think the preacher man should have anything nice look who you are in company with.
When we get to heaven there is no award for who saved God the most money, God is concerned with us fulfilling His purpose for our lives. King David was rich yet he is known as a man after God’s own heart. Kenneth Copeland Ministries brings in over 100 million a year, but the funding and outreaches KCM provides around the world for God is amazing and all to bring glory to God.

I don't believe God wants His children to struggle, He just doesn't want us to love or desire money, but love Him instead. If we are blessed with wealth, we should honor God with it. If you think God's will is for you to struggle, then do without, but know this, that is not His best for you and He does want His best for you.

I believe that the reason why so many are against the word of faith circle is because faith ministers are wealthy and are not afraid to boast in the Lord for what He has done for them. The problem I see about putting too much emphasis on wealth is that it can take the focus off God and put it in material gain. Keeping up with the Jones' so to speak. Satan is good at deceiving our flesh so it is important for your spirit to constantly keep it in subjection. Stay focused on Him and His will for you and you won't have to worry about wealth. The blessings will flow supernaturally. God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus(Phil 4:19). Walk in love my beloved and not with bitterness. Let us all edify one another with God's word. (1 Thessalonians 5:23) Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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