Thursday, June 10, 2010

Defending our Foundation

If any of you have noticed that in the past 40 years or so Christianity has been under heavy fire by several humanist groups. Since Charles Darwin, the theory of evolution has been a topic of controversy for many Christian circles and has caused many to doubt their faith in God. As a result they walked away from salvation in Jesus Christ. So the question is, is it okay to be a Christian and still believe in evolution? The answer is absolutely no! Yeah that’s right, I said no! Why you ask? Evolution is completely contrary to what Genesis, the foundation of the Christian beliefs, teaches. For a Christian to believe in evolution would be hypocrisy! James said by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in James 1:8, “Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.”

If we believers compromise on our beliefs and allow imaginative humanistic theories persuade what the truth is, then where do we draw the line of enough is enough. If we allow a theory to allow the truth to be revised, especially our foundation of the Bible, where will it end? G. Richard Bozarth, who wrote “The Meaning of Evolution”, American Atheist in September 20, 1979 pg. 30 said this and I quote, “The day will come when the evidence constantly accumulating around the evolutionary theory becomes so massively persuasive that even the last and most fundamental Christian warriors will have to lay down their arms and surrender unconditionally. I believe that day will be the end of Christianity.” I do not believe Mr. Bozarth has a clue about what he is saying here. You see these types of statements are made out of the mouth of someone who doesn’t have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and has never entered into the presence of God and has never experienced the power of God! These types of words come from a natural state of mind that is limited to circumstantial knowledge. The spiritual mind doesn’t communicate with knowledge but rather revelation from God the creator! That’s why God sent us the Holy Spirit, so He could tear the veil that fogged our view of the reality of truth! Scientist will even tell you that the human only functions with 10% of our brain. That is because of the fall of man separated us from the rest of the 90% and now without God to direct us we are limited! You can look around at what man has done with only 10% of his brain, and think of what the possibilities could be if he could use 100% of his brain? Now does it seem so foolish that Adam could name every single species on the planet in 1 day?

Why are humanist so intent on destroying the Christian faith? I am glad you asked. Inside the book of Genesis ch.1-11 we can find hidden every doctrine in the Bible. Inside these chapters along with the rest of the council of God lay the laws of morality. If the humanists can destroy the Christian faith which dictates what is right and wrong, then the laws can be altered and then humans can dictate what is right and what is wrong. There for there is no more submitting to God, and there is no more immorality. Then no one has to be accountable for their actions. We see an overwhelming evidence of this type of behavior already in the world. I for one have been plucked out of this carnal belief by God Himself and I praise Him for it. Jesus taught us that the foundation is what keeps a house stable in the midst of the storms. Now, the humanists want to try to destroy that foundation by getting us to compromise our foundational beliefs of creation. Basically the humanist represents the carnal side of the battle that goes on inside every human being that has walked the earth. Mr. Bozarth and others that share his opinion about Christianity remind me so much of the Pharisees in the days of the early church. One of the brightest teachers of religious laws made a statement that if these followers of Jesus are not genuine, then in a few months after killing them off, they will scatter and we will never hear of them again. Well Mr. Bozarth, that was over 2000 years ago and we are still here!

One more thing I want to share with you all, and I am very sincere about this. God has called His people, you and I, to be His testimony (Isaiah 43:12). Jesus told us in Mark 16:15-18, “Go in to all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” These miraculous signs that follow the believer Jesus said will follow, not might, but will! This is not voodoo or magic, but rather God confirming to the world that Jesus is the only way the only truth and the only way to eternal life! If these signs did not follow, then that would make God’s word a myth. The body of Christ is under fire Saints and we have got to get away from our carnal and natural mind sets. We need to tap into God’s revelation by seeking His will through our spiritual mind! We must feed our inner man with the living bread daily! The battle of salvation has been fought and won at the cross, but we believers are the soldiers of Christ, here on this earth with a mission from God to recruit souls for His Kingdom! It is time to get serious about the Bible and know what we believe in. Get it settled in your heart real good, because the day is coming when you are going to be put through the fiery trials. And that fire will do one of two things, 1) purify your genuine faith in God and make you stronger or 2) destroy your false front of faith and you will be consumed. If you do not let God’s word transform you by renewing your mind daily, your future is grim and be prepared to take on a struggle that can be avoided by a little daily discipline.

God I thank you for your truth and your Holy Spirit that has revealed the truth here today. I pray that it has fallen on good ground that will create a harvest for your kingdom Father. And I pray that your words that were typed and read here today will spark new fires and rekindle old ones for your glory! You have called us, your holy people, to be world changers and so Lord, direct us as we yield to your lead. Thank you Lord for our salvation through faith in your Son Jesus Christ, and it’s in His precious name we pray, Amen!

Thank you all and God bless you,

Eric R. Cox

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