Friday, August 13, 2010

Prophetic Word

This is the Word the Lord gave me on the very first day of a three day fast back on May 17th.

In the Last Days it will become more and more difficult. So My children MUST increase more and more in their faith in order to withstand all Satan's temptations to doubt and fall away. (2 Tim. 3:1-17) your greatest defense against the enemy is found in in Romans 10:17, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. As well as Mark 16:15, Go into all the world and preach the the good news to everyone. The world will oppose this, but you, who are called by my name; MUST endure and suffer for my name's sake. Be sure not to weary the Lord by misleading those around you by your behavior and by saying that people who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord. Also don't weary Him by teasing your mind with the lying vanities of, "If God is so loving why do bad things happen to good people?" These are stumbling blocks set by the thief in his attempt to draw My people away from My love for them. (Malichi 2:17)

Man's sinful nature will always look for an excuse to avoid facing the truth. This sinful nature MUST be crucified, and to do this you must never let your eyes depart from my Word. If you refuse to crucify your will, then you will not be allowed to enter the gates of heaven and corrupt its citizens who were obedient to my Word. It is impossible to arrive to salvation under your own strength. Under your own strength it is impossible for you to resist in times of evil, if you let my Word depart from your eyes. (Eph. 6:13) You must stay focused on my divine Word and plans I have for your life. It's not by strength not by might, but by my Spirit. With your own strength you will grow weary and faint under the pressures of the world around you. My Word is your only hope and strength, your fortress! You must follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, that's why I sent Him to you! He is your helper, and you are to do what He instructs. My grace works best when you realize you are weak without it.

My Word is medicine to all your flesh! I am looking for men and women who will stand in the gap of this truth! An who will not be shaken under the pressures of this evil and perverse generation. (Ezeke 22:30) These gapmen and women will be those who carry a deep relationship with Me. The true disciples who seek my presence everyday! Who allow Me to speak to their spirits. These disciples will not only listen, they will do what I say no matter what the cost! My Word is life unto these men and women! It will be through this relationship that I will reveal my clear strategy and plans for their lives, and they will receive it with great enthusiasm! Rejoice! I say it again Rejoice! For God's glory has found you and your purpose will be revealed! Exercise your faith and be a doer of My Word, for when you do you will experience the peace that surpasses all of your finite understanding. Again I say rejoice! Once this peace finds your heart, great works for the advancement of My kingdom will become of your highest priority and the anointing will begin to fall upon you for my purpose and glory! Rejoice! Forever rejoice!

I have trusted in thy mercy; My heart shall Rejoice in thy Salvation...

Thus says the Lord!

I hope this blessed your heart as much as it did mine! God bless you all!

In Christ,

Eric R. Cox

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