Wednesday, September 22, 2010


What does it mean to be established? There are 5 different uses in the Greek language that mean established, but the best description of the word established referring to someone that is established in the Word Of God is the Greek word, stereoo. According to the Vine's expository of new testament words this means; to make firm, solid, physically received strength, hath made strong, strengthened. So to say someone is established in the Word, is to say they have been strengthened by the Word of God. Reading the Word of God makes you strong both physically and spiritually, did you know that? The way you become established in the Word of God is found in Proverbs 4:20-22 (New King James Version)

20 My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.

I think many Christians lose focus on how important it is to be established in God's Word. Reading the Word everyday for some seems to be more of a hassle than a blessing from God. These people believe that they receive enough of the Word when they go to church and hear the message. Most of the time they do not even bring their Bible to church and judge the message by the Word of God. They are just taking their Pastor's word for it to be truth. How dangerous and traumatizing this type of behavior could be. Have you ever heard of James Warren Jones? You may know him better as Jim Jones? He lead a group of 900 plus astray and to their deaths in Georgetown, Guyana. This is an extreme case to most people, but let me show you an even more extreme case that is not so obvious to folks... Disease, poverty, sickness, divorce, death of a loved one, temptation, and the list goes on and on! These are things are what believers and unbelievers face everyday! These are the things that effect the lives of billions of people every where. And yes I said billions with a B.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 7, "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock." The Word of God is His sayings. When you hearken to the voice of the Lord, you become established! It doesn't matter what life throws your way, you are established, strengthened, solid! Nothing can shake you, there is nothing lacking! You are already quickened by the Word of God, they are in the midst of your heart the proverbs says. Just waiting to destroy the yoke the enemy tries to recapture you with. Jesus, our master, the one we are to imitate was so established in the Word that when Satan tried to tempt Him in the wilderness. Jesus' response every time was, "It is written!" Knowing the word of God and having it in the midst of you heart turns situations that could potentially end in to tragedy, and redirects them in a way that betters your situation and brings glory to God.

Many people wait until some tragic event has already manifested in their life before they turn to God for help. Thank God He is full of mercy and is always there to help you out. But wouldn't it be better to have avoided the tragedy all together? It can be done! I said it can be done! Why wait to introduce your self to God's will in the midst of tragedy? So many wait till the storm arrives before they prepare. It sounds stupid to everyone if you know that a hurricane is coming but you do nothing until it shows up. The same thing is true for life. We all know evil will try to force itself upon you, why wait till it arrives to do something about it? I don't know about you but I am going to be established in the word of God! When the storm arrives in Kansas I'll be on a beach some where praising God with the others who are also established! Glory to God!

Looking all around I see a hurting world! A world that is in need of a Savior! Millions are perishing with no hope in Jesus. Many Christians are afflicted of the enemy and oppressed. They are beaten down and are running low on faith. I refuse to believe that my God sent His Son to die for this lost and hurting world, and then abandoned us with no hope and ill-equipped to take on everything in life. Jesus told apostle Paul that His Grace was sufficient to handle the messenger of Satan. He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me! My God, Who's powerful resurrecting Spirit that dwells in me, has supplied all my needs according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ! My faith is in God and I am not moved by what I see! Jesus has borne it all and that means I will turn to Him everyday and to His Word, so when I come against it His Word has already established me and equipped me to reign over it! Hallelujah! Can someone say Amen!

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