Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lord and Savior

Many believers seem to be confused about the redemptive plan of God. God's Word tells us that you will know a person by their fruit. This is how we know as Christians who are the needy. People that are consumed by the pleasures of this world are very clear to someone that is a child of God. God's design was never to become like the world so much that we blend in with them. He called us to live separate from them. Not in segregation physically, but our desires are to be for the things of God and not for the lustful desires of this world! You can tell what people are passionate about when you talk to them because what ever they are full of kicks back out of their mouths. For some it's sports or motorcycles or cars or hunting and fishing and the list goes on and on. Then when they ask me and I talk about the things of God like going to church, my small group, reading my Bible and doing the work of God they bind up and harden their hearts. Why?

There seems to be some confusion in the minds of people in what truly took place as Jesus was beaten, hung on the cross, buried and resurrected. I say this because when you receive the revelation of who we are in Christ and what God has restored back to us that was lost in the garden of Eden, through the precious shed blood of His Son Jesus. There is nothing boring about the things of God! In every circumstance and every trial we find ourselves going through God has supplied the victory through His redemptive plan of Christ! That means all your needs are met! All, every single one of them! And that's on this side of heaven as well as the other side! As He is so are we now in this world God says! If you are sick with any disease or sickness, we are made well because Jesus borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Jesus said that all things are possible to him that believes. Jesus said the things I do you shall do too, and even greater works than these shall you do, because I am going to be with the Father, and anything you ask for in my name I will do for you! Glory to God. That means no longer do we have to put up with the bondages of this perverse world and the god of it! Our enemy is now made our foot stool and we are now more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! How is this not good news to him that believes! How could someone not want to love a God who loves him that much?

You know writing a check is a good picture of how to operate in the spiritual realm. Your strength or money,to buy something is in the bank. When you need something you pull out the check book or debit card and you write a check or swipe your card for the purchase. Even though you did not physically supply the actual funds for your need, you provided the substitute. Well that substitute is faith in the name of Jesus! Your bank is heaven! We have a God in heaven that can supply all our needs according to His riches and it's been supplied by Christ Jesus! Now our check or debit card is our faith in Jesus. Faith in that Jesus has supplied everything we need. He said my grace is sufficient! That means nothing is lacking, we have everything we need now in this world to reign in life! That means when cancer's ugly head pops up you cut it off like David did Goliath's! You stand on the Word of God in faith, that God's grace is sufficient. When finances are short you stand there and declare the Arm of the Lord over them, and that God's strength is with you and it's by His strength alone! And even when you can't see how victory will ever prevail you stand there and sing praises to the Lord until victory shows up! God said my Word I have given you and it shall not return to me void of power! There is power and virtue and authority in the name of Jesus for the believer! And when the Lord is more than your Savior but He's also your Lord, you can declare that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! And the enemy must flee! Shout it out if you believe! Hallelujah!!!!

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