Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God's Love Is Jesus Christ

You know when you are setting before the Word of God and all of a sudden you read something that you have read 100 times and it reads different. It's like something inside you becomes so real and it rings so true to your spirit that you stand up and begin to shout! Well this morning was one of those moments for me...again.

In the chaos of this day and age there are so many distractions that could throw the believer into a dormant status. One for instance is getting caught up in the anti-Muslim movement. Someone posted on facebook today about the law of seed time and harvest. If someone sows hatred toward you and you retaliate with hatred, then you just set in motion a law that will send you a harvest. Can you see why the enemy wants us to get us distracted. If he can get our focus off of what Christ is doing, and get us to look at what he is doing, then he can slow down his own destruction. He's on borrowed time and his lease is just about up, Hallelujah!

Today as I set before the Word of God, the Holy Spirit began to open up to me what our focus as His children needs to be. I started reading in the 3 chapter of John and something I read brought me to the book of Numbers. Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus and Jesus said to him in the 14th verse, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up," So I asked why did Moses lift up the serpent? I turned to Numbers 21:9 and read that the Israelites had been bitten by fiery serpents that God had permitted to be loosed upon them and they were perishing in the wilderness because the turned away from God. They needed to be redeemed from their wrong doings and they needed healing and restoration. Wow! This brazen serpent is symbolic of Jesus to us, the world. You see without Jesus we will perish! Without the atonement of our sin we will not inherit eternal life! Before Jesus' sacrifice, the world was under the wrath of God like the Israelites were in the wilderness. But Jesus was tied to the whipping post and nailed to the cross (like the serpent) so that the world would be free from the wrath of God. Jesus bore the weight of it all! Every sin of the world that has ever been committed in the past, present, and future in Christ has been paid in full by the precious blood of Jesus. It all has been settled for us by the blood. Even for the Muslims! You see why there is power in the blood? This is the good news we preach! This is God's plan for all of humanity! This is the love of God, that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

If you are a believer and you are sowing hatred, then God's redemptive plan is not the message you are sending to those who don't know the Love of God. Everyone knows that light extinguishes darkness. Never has it ever happened that darkness has ever overtaken the light. So before you retaliate please stop and pray to our heavenly Father, and ask Him what you could do to bring Him glory. Bashing another religion will not witness to those that He sent His Son to die for. Always remember this as well, That as we were still yet sinners, God sent us Jesus to die for us, to pay it all, so that we could be reconciled and adopted into His family. Because God loved us, we now can enjoy a great and glorious inheritance. We did nothing and can offer God nothing, but we are only saved by the Grace of God through faith in Jesus. We are no better than anyone else in this world, but we love God because He first loved us. Now lets spread that light to those who oppose us. Let us be doers of the Word of God and walk out our salvation with fear and trembling and reverence for God's Word, which is His revealed will for all men for all times! Let our actions exalt Christ and not our flesh! Jesus Christ is the answer and God's plan for our reconciliation to Him! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Very Good word Eric! Love the way the Lord is working in and thru you! God Bless you and your family. Kevin Shelton
