Saturday, September 25, 2010


Sometimes I get so impatient! I cannot think of any situations that became better when I rushed into them without taking time to process. Sometimes my mouth runs faster than my brain and I begin to say things that aren't wise (to say the least). When this happens I feel so stupid! However, it is in these moments where I learn to most about myself. Today I had one of those moments. One of the leaders at church asked me a question and my response was, "well I'll have to pray about that and seek direction from the Lord before I commit to anything." It sounded wise at the time, but when I went to discuss it with my wife it occurred to me that I had no idea why I needed to pray. Actually what I needed to do was praise! I immediately found Pastor and corrected my stupidity, but what was to follow would be the life change.

I walked away with a sense of humility... How could I have been so stupid! I thought. I began to search myself and my motives of everything I am doing. Am I doing this over here because that is what the Lord is leading me to do, or am I doing that because that's what I want to do for the Lord? I believe there are things in our lives that need to be checked. What I mean is, I believe we need to be honest with ourselves and ask if this is what we want? Or is this what God is leading us to do? I believe there are some necessary steps that need to be taken before you reach the destination God has for your life. We are being molded by the Lord through our experiences. The result of the experiences is that we are prepared and equipped to do the things God has called us to do. Sometimes we get so caught up in the reward at the end that we forget to count the costs involved. We live in a culture that says, "I want it and I want it now!" And it's so easy to carry that over into our walk with the Lord.

God works on His time not ours. He knows what's best for us. Jesus said in John 10:11, "I am the good shepherd..." Up in verse 4 He says"...he (the good shepherd) goes before them and the sheep follow him..." So many times I want to lead the Lord in the direction I want Him to take me. You could say, I want my own head. I am ashamed of myself for this. But did you know God uses humility to correct us? For me it's an effective way to learn and learn quickly! I don't like feeling stupid, do you? Then I am going to make corrections to my thinking. This is where many miss it. Some are full of pride and want to make excuses for their errors instead of admitting fault. Well, God says I resist the proud, but give grace to the humble. I don't know about you but I want grace and not resistance from God!

When you do or say something stupid and you find yourself humiliated the best thing to do is ask for forgiveness, repent, and go on down the road. So Lord, please forgive me for getting out ahead of you. I am sorry for being stiffed necked and not yielding to your direction. Please forgive me Lord, and help me to be sensitive to your voice. With your Holy Spirit go before me and guide me down this path. You are the Good Shepherd! I will follow your voice where ever you may lead me. Thank you Lord for your patience with my stubbornness. Illuminate to me where correction is needed, and by your grace I will do it, as well as all you have called me to do! And as I do I will give you all the praise and glory in Jesus name, Amen!

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